Men's Ministry

seeking to enlist men into the life and ministry of the church, establish men in growth towards maturity in Christ, and to train men to be disciple-makers who make an eternal impact in their homes, workplaces, and communities

summer lineup

We have lots of men's summer events in June and possibly July! Take a look at the different options below and you can also scroll down to view the entire Men's Event Calendar and access more details and registrations.

Sweat, Strength, Stamina
Men's workout group for all fitness levels. Meets Tues/Thurs mornings at 6AM in June at Lamar Park.
June 13th & 27th, 6-7:30pm. Eat, fellowship and hear a story of grace in someone's life. Click image above to reserve a spot for June 13th.
Men's Lunch
June 17th, at noon in the lobby. Lunch provided. Romans 12-13.
June 23rd at Old Mountain Outdoor Adventures. Cos: $52 per person, includes ropes course & dinner. Click image to register.

get connected.

Men's Ministry Events

Small Groups

Midweek Group
A book study and sharing group intended to build community. Men of all stages are welcome.
Meets: Tuesday or Wednesday nights (contact email below to find out next meeting time & location)
Led by: Robert Dunlap & Mark Levy

Friday Morning Group
Men of all stages gathering to read and discuss Old Testament and New Testament passages.
Meets: Every Friday from 6:30-7:30AM in the conference room upstairs
Led by: Wayne Irby & Steve Redding

Friday Morning Group
Men of all stages welcome for a laid back reading and discussion.
Meets: Every Friday from 7:30-8:30AM on the front porch
Led by: Brian Sorgenfrei

Monthly Book Club
All stages of men, connecting to each other through a monthly discussion of a book that all are reading.
Meets: 1st Thursday of every month from 7-8:00PM on the front porch
Led by: Doug Sanford & Gray Tollison

Brian’s Contact

Men's Ministry

Associate Pastor: Brian Sorgenfrei,