Children's Ministry

to create an environment that invites children to reflect upon and know the love of Jesus Christ in a way that supports parents and equips children to grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man

exciting news

Sunday Morning Nursery & Children's Church

The Children's Ministry team is excited to announce an update to our Nursery & Children's Church policy. Effective January 26, 2025: Christ Presbyterian Church offers nursery on Sunday mornings to children ages three and under. Children's Church is provided to children ages four and five during both Sunday morning worship services.

If this affects your family please watch the video below for more information and learn the answers to some of our frequently asked questions. You can also read a more detailed version of the policy here. If you still have questions, contact Elizabeth Adrian at For more information about our Nursery, visit

Video positioning image

save the dates

Check out our spring and summer programming below. No registration is needed for M&M. Vacation Bible School registration will open up in April. Scroll down to read more about all our programming offered during the year.

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Children's Ministry Events

what we offer

children's programming

Our children's programming is open to children four years of age up to 6th grade*. At Christ Pres, children three years of age and below are considered Nursery and children in 7th grade and above are considered Youth.

*Sunday school is our only exception. We offer a three year old Sunday school class every Sunday at 9:45am.

Sunday School
Offered each Sunday for kids ages 3 yrs old to 6th grade at 9:45am. Located on the second floor of our building.
A five-week class designed for kids who are ready (or think they may be ready) to stand before Christ as a communing member of His church. To learn more click image above.
Children's Church
Available each Sunday during both worship services to 4 & 5yr olds to help them transition from nursery to our worship service.
M&M (Music & Memory)
Open to children age 4 by Sept. 1, 2024 to 4th graders. Each Wednesday your child(ren) will sing, play, study God's word & eat dinner. No registration required.
PYG (Pre-Youth Group)
Open to 5th & 6th graders. Each Wednesday our older kids hangout, study the Word & eat dinner. No registration required.
Elizabeth’s Contact

Children's Ministry Team

Director of Children's Ministries: Elizabeth Adrian,