English Language Learners
offering free Conversational English Classes to international women living in Oxford
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upcoming ELL events
Christ Pres offers free Conversational English Classes to international women living in Oxford. In addition, we offer hospitality, social events, friendship, bible study, and worship. Below you can find all our upcoming events.
english language learners
International Ladies' Club
Please join us for our weekly free ladies' English language learner classes!
Classes are on Friday mornings, 9:30am to 12:00pm, from August through May at Christ Pres (901 Sisk Avenue). All ladies are welcome and childcare is provided for free! All you need to do is come.
Our International Ladies' Club is a great way to find community within Oxford, practice your English language skills and enjoy some American cultural activities.
Questions? Contact Christine Hom at 415.722.6969 or christine@cpcoxford.org.