Crazy Busy – 6.4.23 | Pete & Denease Bishop

Being busy. It’s just what we do. For some of us, its almost a badge of honor. For others, some unseen force drags us through one weary day after the next. And for still others, we have grown so accustomed to it that we’re almost afraid to stop. Perhaps something else may be in order? Join us for this four-week series, June 4th – 25th, based on the book by Kevin DeYoung. Meets in the sanctuary. Led by Pete & Denease Bishop.

Foundations IV: Engaging Culture Redemptively | Melvin Manickavasagam

Foundations IV: Kingdom

Francis Schaeffer tells us, “Every person lives with a foot in each of two worlds—the real, external world characterized by its depth and complexity and an internal world of thought shaped by a longing for understanding, love and significance. If these two worlds stand in tension with each other, an individual cannot live meaningfully.”

Taught by Melvin Manickavasagam.

Foundations IV: Engaging Culture with Sin in Mind | Melvin Manickavasagam

Foundations IV: Kingdom

Francis Schaeffer tells us, “Every person lives with a foot in each of two worlds—the real, external world characterized by its depth and complexity and an internal world of thought shaped by a longing for understanding, love and significance. If these two worlds stand in tension with each other, an individual cannot live meaningfully.”

Taught by Melvin Manickavasagam.

Foundations IV: Engaging Culture Creationally | Melvin Manickavasagam

Foundations IV: Kingdom

Francis Schaeffer tells us, “Every person lives with a foot in each of two worlds—the real, external world characterized by its depth and complexity and an internal world of thought shaped by a longing for understanding, love and significance. If these two worlds stand in tension with each other, an individual cannot live meaningfully.”

Taught by Melvin Manickavasagam.

Foundations IV: What is Culture? | Melvin Manickavasagam

Foundations IV: Kingdom

Francis Schaeffer tells us, “Every person lives with a foot in each of two worlds—the real, external world characterized by its depth and complexity and an internal world of thought shaped by a longing for understanding, love and significance. If these two worlds stand in tension with each other, an individual cannot live meaningfully.”

Taught by Melvin Manickavasagam.