Colossians 3:15-4:1 | Liza Sorgenfrei

This spring our Women’s Bible study will be studying Only Jesus!: A Study of Colossians & Philemon. You can join our Wednesday study anytime between January 25th & April 5th at either the 9am or 5:30pm time. Childcare is provided.

Foundations IV: Church/Kingdom – The Takeaways | Melvin Manickavasagam

Foundations IV: Kingdom

Francis Schaeffer tells us, “Every person lives with a foot in each of two worlds—the real, external world characterized by its depth and complexity and an internal world of thought shaped by a longing for understanding, love and significance. If these two worlds stand in tension with each other, an individual cannot live meaningfully.”

Taught by Melvin Manickavasagam.

Colossians 3:5-14 | Anna Dabbs

This spring our Women’s Bible study will be studying Only Jesus!: A Study of Colossians & Philemon. You can join our Wednesday study anytime between January 25th & April 5th at either the 9am or 5:30pm time. Childcare is provided.

Foundations IV: Church/Kingdom – Three Views | Melvin Manickavasagam

Foundations IV: Kingdom

Francis Schaeffer tells us, “Every person lives with a foot in each of two worlds—the real, external world characterized by its depth and complexity and an internal world of thought shaped by a longing for understanding, love and significance. If these two worlds stand in tension with each other, an individual cannot live meaningfully.”

Taught by Melvin Manickavasagam.

Foundations IV: Church/Kingdom – Definitions | Melvin Manickavasagam

Foundations IV: Kingdom

Francis Schaeffer tells us, “Every person lives with a foot in each of two worlds—the real, external world characterized by its depth and complexity and an internal world of thought shaped by a longing for understanding, love and significance. If these two worlds stand in tension with each other, an individual cannot live meaningfully.”

Taught by Melvin Manickavasagam.