Foundations 3: Doctrine of the Church, Part 2 | Les Newsom

The doctrine of the church unfolds from the very beginning of God’s plan of redemption. Mankind experiences the effects of ongoing sin, presenting itself most clearly in our relationships. The Gospel is here to restore us, not as isolated individuals on our way to heaven when we die, but as a body of people who are united together as God’s people. This class will feature the doctrine of the church and consider the topic of marriage, parenting, & conflict management among church members.

Foundations 3: Doctrine of the Church, Part 1 | Les Newsom

The doctrine of the church unfolds from the very beginning of God’s plan of redemption. Mankind experiences the effects of ongoing sin, presenting itself most clearly in our relationships. The Gospel is here to restore us, not as isolated individuals on our way to heaven when we die, but as a body of people who are united together as God’s people. This class will feature the doctrine of the church and consider the topic of marriage, parenting, & conflict management among church members.

Peacemakers: Difficult Conversations, Part 2 | James Harper

As Christians, we are not immune to conflict and relationships that go awry. But Christians also, because of the gospel, are more than equipped to pursue reconciliation that demonstrates the shalom of God. Join us for a six-week series of learning, growing and perhaps even restoring of relationships with those God has placed in our lives.