All Worthy of Praise: Liturgy & Formation | Randall Bryant

If we are to live and worship together, what should be the basis and pattern for Christian worship? What informs our view of worship, and why  do we do what we do? Join us for a four-week series as we seek to be more engaged in the very thing we are created to do.

All Worthy of Praise: Music in Worship | Randall Bryant

If we are to live and worship together, what should be the basis and pattern for Christian worship? What informs our view of worship, and why  do we do what we do? Join us for a four-week series as we seek to be more engaged in the very thing we are created to do.

City Forum: Technology | Melvin Manickavasagam

City Forum is a ministry of Christ Pres that seeks to give rich opportunities to engage in depth a variety of Biblical, social and cultural topics. Each presentation will be followed by a lengthy “Q&A” session with plenty of time to interact with the topic. After the event, attendees are strongly encouraged to discuss the topic over dinner with friends or family. These sessions are intended to equip God’s people to be formed into Christlikeness through thoughtful engagement with the world.

Loving God while attached to our iPhones? While the benefits of technology are indisputable, many questions remain as to technology’s downside. Texting, social networking, and Internet research may not be enemies of faith, but we should ask whether these activities and the technology behind them are making us more thoughtful, articulate, and loving people. Beyond content, how has our digital practices shaped our Christian life? How does the insatiable desire for ever-faster response time from our handheld devices square with the Christian virtue of patience?

All Worthy of Praise: Beauty in Worship | Randall Bryant

If we are to live and worship together, what should be the basis and pattern for Christian worship? What informs our view of worship, and why  do we do what we do? Join us for a four-week series as we seek to be more engaged in the very thing we are created to do.

All Worthy Praise: Why We Worship | Randall Bryant

If we are to live and worship together, what should be the basis and pattern for Christian worship? What informs our view of worship, and why  do we do what we do? Join us for a four-week series as we seek to be more engaged in the very thing we are created to do.