Grace That is Greater, Session 3 | Sean Lucas

Scripture Reference: Romans 8

Dr. Lucas walks us through a careful look at one of the most crucial passages in the book of Romans, chapter eight. This is a pivotal and deeply encouraging piece of Pauline theology that every believer will benefit from diving deeply into. Our hope is that everyone who attended came away with a clearer grasp on how Paul seeks to provide assurance to struggling Christians.

Grace That is Greater, Session 2 | Sean Lucas

Scripture Reference: Romans 8

Dr. Lucas walks us through a careful look at one of the most crucial passages in the book of Romans, chapter eight. This is a pivotal and deeply encouraging piece of Pauline theology that every believer will benefit from diving deeply into. Our hope is that everyone who attended came away with a clearer grasp on how Paul seeks to provide assurance to struggling Christians.

Grace That is Greater, Session 1 | Sean Lucas

Scripture Reference: Romans 8

Dr. Lucas walks us through a careful look at one of the most crucial passages in the book of Romans, chapter eight. This is a pivotal and deeply encouraging piece of Pauline theology that every believer will benefit from diving deeply into. Our hope is that everyone who attended came away with a clearer grasp on how Paul seeks to provide assurance to struggling Christians.

Foundations 2: Theology – Revelation—How Do We Know What We Know? | Melvin Manickavasagam

“Theology,” Puritan William Perkins once wrote, “is the science of living blessedly forever.” Rather than arguments about minute details of doctrine, the primary task of theology is to ask, How may I obtain the smile of God on my person and life? Join us for Foundations II: A Survey of Theology as we Learn together what it means to live the blessed life.

Foundations 2: Theology – Why Theology? Why Creeds & Confessions? | Melvin Manickavasagam

“Theology,” Puritan William Perkins once wrote, “is the science of living blessedly forever.” Rather than arguments about minute details of doctrine, the primary task of theology is to ask, How may I obtain the smile of God on my person and life? Join us for Foundations II: A Survey of Theology as we Learn together what it means to live the blessed life.