The Five Solas: Sola Gratia & Soli Deo Gloria | Brian Sorgenfrei

Sola Gratia & Soli Deo Gloria: Save by Grace Alone & For the Glory of God Alone

“Reformed” and “Protestant” are buzzwords that often get thrown around in our circles, but many only have a vague notion of what they mean. Others of us may wonder if distinguishing ourselves this way historically and theologically matters in this day and age. Learn about the five solas (Latin for the word alone) what they are, what they mean, and why we think they are the heart of the gospel itself.

The Five Solas: Solus Christus | Brian Sorgenfrei

Solus Christus: In Christ Alone

“Reformed” and “Protestant” are buzzwords that often get thrown around in our circles, but many only have a vague notion of what they mean. Others of us may wonder if distinguishing ourselves this way historically and theologically matters in this day and age. Learn about the five solas (Latin for the word alone) what they are, what they mean, and why we think they are the heart of the gospel itself.

The Five Solas: Sola Scriptura | Brian Sorgenfrei

Sola Scriptura: According to Scripture to Alone

“Reformed” and “Protestant” are buzzwords that often get thrown around in our circles, but many only have a vague notion of what they mean. Others of us may wonder if distinguishing ourselves this way historically and theologically matters in this day and age. Learn about the five solas (Latin for the word alone) what they are, what they mean, and why we think they are the heart of the gospel itself.

The Five Solas: Sola Fide | Brian Sorgenfrei

Sola Fide: Through Faith Alone

“Reformed” and “Protestant” are buzzwords that often get thrown around in our circles, but many only have a vague notion of what they mean. Others of us may wonder if distinguishing ourselves this way historically and theologically matters in this day and age. Learn about the five solas (Latin for the word alone) what they are, what they mean, and why we think they are the heart of the gospel itself.

Foundations 1: The Perfected Kingdom | Melvin Manickavasagam

Is the Bible a compilation of books or is it really one book? Is it a collection of helpful stories or is it really one story from start to finish?And is the Bible an encyclopedia of helpful information, or is it something bigger—much grander than we typically think? We will be taking a survey of the Old and New Testaments, to learn and be reminded of what—and ultimately, who—the Bible is really about.