Failure, a New Year & Jesus | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: John 21:1-19
As we look into the new year, it tends to to be a time of reflection and planning. What do you do with your failures? After Jesus resurrection, He finds Peter on a beach. In this interaction, an amazing truth is revealed. Our failures don’t keep Jesus away from us, actually they are the very reason He came and He works through them.

Sermon Points:

  • Jesus Response To Our Failure
  • Jesus Work Through our Failure

Kingdom Impressions | Melvin Manickavasagam

Scripture Reference: Daniel 7:1-14
Christians may not be those who are uninformed about the story of Christmas but may over time become unimpressed by its significance. For those who have heard the story of Jesus’ advent, perhaps we also need to see it for what it truly is. Strange as it might seem, Daniel’s apocalyptic vision is not a bad place to do just that.

Sermon Points:

  • The “Beastly” Rule of Earthly Kingdoms (vv. 1-8)
  • The HeavenlyRule of God’s Kingdom (vv. 9-10)
  • The Warrior-King of God’s Kingdom (vv. 11-14)

The Hero & Peter | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 16:13-23

How is it possible that Peter can be so “right” in his confession about Jesus’ true identity as Messiah and so wrong about Jesus’ mission. The answer to that question uncovers something profound about the new identity that being a Christian brings, with Peter as the prime example.

Sermon Points:

  • Peter’s Confession
  • Peter’s Affirmation
  • Peter’s Failure