Gospel Hope for our Hurt | Austin Braasch
Scripture Reference: Psalm 54:1-7
Sermon Points:
- Reckoning
- Remembering
- Responding
Scripture Reference: Psalm 54:1-7
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Acts 2:42-47
Scripture Reference: Genesis 9:1-17
We live in a world that totters on the brink of collapse, it seems, from a lack of certainty about the world. But God’s covenant (contract) with Noah shows that God’s people can have a radical foundation for our relationship with the world, with justice, and in our own hearts.
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Genesis 6:1-4
There is a very strange tidbit of a story in Genesis 6:1ff that is so odd that many are tempted to consign the Bible over to an absurd document of superstition. But if you dig into its meaning, you might find it opens us up to an unseen realm where God orders the world.
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Genesis 4:1-16, 25-26
If the world we live in is wrecked by sin and death but brimming with God’s gracious and redemptive work, how should we respond? Genesis 4 outlines two different responses to God’s promises and exposes our hearts in the process. The two responses diverge because of the differing objects of trust.
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