Learning to Believe | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Romans 4:1-5, 13-25

Paul has hung a lot of theological weight on the doctrine of justification, but the means by which those benefits come to Christians is through “faith.” But what does it mean to “have faith?” Turns out that imbedded in the life of the Jewish patriarch Abraham is the powerful answer!

Sermon Points:

  • Faith vs. Boasting
  • Faith vs. Working
  • Faith vs. Doubting

Justification: The Lifestyle | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Romans 3:27-31

Paul says that no one will be justified by the “works of the law.” That was his way of confronting Jewish people for their adherence to exclusionary cultural norms. But we still have those ourselves. What are the ways we seek to justify ourselves in OUR day?

Sermon Points:

  • The Works of the Law
  • The Tyranny of Enough
  • The God of the Gentiles

The Life of the Party | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: John 2:1-11

Jesus is joy itself. He is what we are looking for in all our other pursuits.

Sermon Points:

  • The Problem at the Party
  • The Solution For the Party
  • The Cost of the Party

Justification: The Theology | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Romans 3:21-26

We LOVE to catalogue the details of good news! How much more does Paul revel in the precision and details of God’s provision for his people in Christ. Three massive concepts: justification, redemption and propitiation, are all laid out for God’s people to mine for joy.

Sermon Points:

  • Justification
  • Redemption
  • Propitiation

The Insult of Sin | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Romans 3:9-20

Nothing can break up the ordinariness of our day quite like an insult can. And yet, Paul unpacks a sweeping condemnation of all people (both religious and irreligious) in the middle part of Romans 3. This week, we look at the Christian doctrine of Total Depravity.

Sermon Points:

  • Negative Standing
  • Faulty Reasoning
  • Bad Motives
  • Spoiled Output
  • No Fearing