Responses to the Hero Arriving | Brian Sorgenfrei
Scripture Reference: Matthew 2:1-12, 16
Sermon Points:
- Herod – Opposition
- Scribes – Apathy
- Wise Men – Worship
Scripture Reference: Matthew 2:1-12, 16
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Acts 6:1-7
The early church was growing! But no sooner does it start than the problem of divisions in the church arise. But rather than make the new converts feel guilty about it, the Apostles appoint a new office to insure that the ministry of the Word and Deed remain together.
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Acts 4:31-5:11
Opposition from outside the church is one thing, but hypocrisy from within is equally (if not more) dangerous. Only the fearlessness of a Spirit filled community could create the integrity needed to firmly establish this new revolutionary movement.
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Luke 18:18-23 & Luke 19:1-10 |
Scripture Reference: Acts 4:1-20
Jesus’ mission to repair the world from the effects of sin meets almost immediate opposition from the religious elite. Their opposition to the disciples message still resonates with attacks on Christianity even our day.
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