The Troubler of Israel | Austin Braasch
Scripture Reference: 1 Kings 18:17-40
Sermon Points:
- Idols Exposed
- Idols Extinguished
Scripture Reference: 1 Kings 18:17-40
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Revelation 5
If Revelation 4 is the setting to the drama, then chapter 5 IS the drama. John is broken by the knowledge of a mysterious scroll, but immediately pointed to a Lion which, to his surprise, appears as a Lamb. In this profound vision is the very heart of the Christian meaning of life.
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Revelation 4
When John steps through the open door of heaven, his vision is dominated (shown in the sheer amount of times he uses the word) by a Throne. He’s fixated and amazed. The entourage surrounding him suggests something deeply profound about human beings proclivity for worship.
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Scripture Reference: Revelation 3:14-22
Jesus seeks to bring about changes in his churches he’s confronting in Revelation chapters two and three, but it’s not enough to change the way they are “thinking” about themselves. They must also change their actions, and chapters two through three contain oceans of wisdom for God’s people seeking to pursue Godly change.
Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Revelation 2:1-7
Christians live in a world that is being invaded by grace and reconciliation, but a world that still is beset by sin and destruction. We live in the “already and the not yet.” So when the Son of Man in John’s vision comes to speak to the churches, he does so with commendation and condemnation.
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