The Songs of the Sealed | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 7
John’s encouragement following the dreadful news about the terrible Four Horsemen has to do with the “sealed.” But who are the “sealed” and why do they sing like they do? And why is it important for the Christian to remember that THIS is their standing before the Throne?

Sermon Points:

  • The Identity of the Sealed
  • The Meaning of the Sealed

The Cry That Moves History | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference:  Revelation 6:1-17

As John gets a peek behind the veil into heaven, the scroll is broken, and all are shown the unfolding plan of God in world history. With vivid images, John sees that world history will be characterized by four horseman riding and bringing suffering. This sight is alarming, but also comforting to see that suffering is NOT a sign that the world is out of control, but instead a sign that Jesus is indeed coming and at work.

Sermon Points:

  • An Explanation of Suffering (vv. 1-8)
  • Strategy in the Suffering (vv. 9-11)
  • Security amidst Suffering (vv. 12-17)

The Lamb & the Center of History | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 5
If Revelation 4 is the setting to the drama, then chapter 5 IS the drama. John is broken by the knowledge of a mysterious scroll, but immediately pointed to a Lion which, to his surprise, appears as a Lamb. In this profound vision is the very heart of the Christian meaning of life.

Sermon Points:

  • John Weeps
  • The Lamb Bleeds
  • Heaven Sings

The Throne Room | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 4

When John steps through the open door of heaven, his vision is dominated (shown in the sheer amount of times he uses the word) by a Throne. He’s fixated and amazed. The entourage surrounding him suggests something deeply profound about human beings proclivity for worship.

Sermon Points:

  • How John Sees
  • What John Sees
  • What John Means