The Compelling Gospel

Scripture Reference: Acts 13:16-39

Paul’s first sermon is a master class on how the young missionary begins to present the Gospel to religious people. He roots his message in the relevance, facts and overwhelming joy of the work of Jesus on the Cross.

Sermon Points:

  • The Gospel Case
  • The Gospel Content
  • The Gospel Conditions

Bringing Down Walls

Scripture Reference: Acts 10:9-16, 34-48

The action in the book of Acts leads to a dramatic vision by Peter who begins to see that Jesus’ mission in the world will not be limited to a Jewish revolution. Instead, he is creating a worldwide, multi cultural, multi racial people of God worshipping around the Throne.

Sermon Points:

  • Peter’s Conversion
  • Cornelius’ Conversion
  • Our Conversion

An Important Conversion

Scripture Reference: Acts 9:1-19

The story of Saul (soon to become named “Paul”) is repeated no less than three times in the book of Acts. Clearly, Luke wants Christians to relate this powerful conversion. But how can we do that when we rarely see so many fireworks surrounding our own experiences?

Sermon Points:

  • A Preparing God
  • A Vision of Jesus
  • An Entrance into a Community
  • A Newfound Mission

How the Gospel Sets Us Free

Scripture Reference: Acts 6:8-15, 7:51-59

The execution of Stephen looks to our modern eyes as ludicrously extreme. What could have caused this rioting mob to go to these extremes? Only when the Gospel exposes your deepest commitments, and threatens them, can we hope to see its freedom.

Sermon Points:

  • The Mob Threatened
  • Stephen’s Testimony
  • Jesus’ Advocacy

Growing Pains

Scripture Reference: Acts 6:1-7

The early church was growing! But no sooner does it start than the problem of divisions in the church arise. But rather than make the new converts feel guilty about it, the Apostles appoint a new office to insure that the ministry of the Word and Deed remain together.

Sermon Points:

  • The Problem
  • The Solution
  • The Result