Opposition From Inside

Scripture Reference: Acts 4:31-5:11

Opposition from outside the church is one thing, but hypocrisy from within is equally (if not more) dangerous. Only the fearlessness of a Spirit filled community could create the integrity needed to firmly establish this new revolutionary movement.

Sermon Points:

  • Living In Fear
  • Separating Faith and Practice
  • Faking Spiritual Piety

Opposition from Outside

Scripture Reference: Acts 4:1-20

Jesus’ mission to repair the world from the effects of sin meets almost immediate opposition from the religious elite. Their opposition to the disciples message still resonates with attacks on Christianity even our day.

Sermon Points:

  • Attacking Goodness
  • Questioning Authority
  • Challenging Power

In The Wake Of The Spirit

Scripture Reference: Acts 2:36-47

Many people who traffic on the outskirts of Christianity have weird notions of what it looks like to live a “Spirit filled life.” But in the wake of Pentecost, there were tangible signs that the Spirit had come in power to transform a fledgling group into a worldwide movement.

Sermon Points:

  • Powerful Preaching
  • Careful Study
  • Shared Resources
  • Evangelistic Worship

The Coming of the Spirit

Scripture Reference: Acts 2:1-12

The coming of Holy Spirit at Pentecost was the “shot heard around the world” for the Kingdom of God. This was the decisive event for the church, but it can be hard to understand the meaning behind it. What does Pentecost mean for us today?

Sermon Points:

  • What did this mean to THEM?
  • What does this mean for US?

The Coronation of Jesus

Scripture Reference: Acts 1:4-11

The mission of Jesus continues with him taking his place beside his Father at the Throne of the universe. Without this key insight, God’s people can (and often have) severely missed his purposes for what his kingdom is like AND how it’s going to advance.

Sermon Points:

  • Clarifying The Mission
  • Empowering The Mission