The Hero Faces the Villain | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 4:1-11

If a hero is going to bring rescue, then he must face down and defeat that which is bringing danger. The ancient and dangerous villain of this world is known as Satan, or the devil. in Matthew 4, Jesus confronts his and our arch enemy by taking upon himself the devil’s assault of temptation. In this confrontation, we learn the tools of our enemy, but also where victory is to be found.

Sermon Points:

  • The Reality of the Enemy
  • The Workings of the Enemy
  • The Defeat of the Enemy

Preparing for the Hero | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 3:1-17

Everyone undergoes some sort of preparation before meeting a person of significance. What might it look like to be prepared to meet the hero and savior of the world? John the Baptist is out in the desert for this very reason, preparing his listeners to encounter Jesus. Disruptive words like confession, repentance, and baptism are emphasized. These words might seem off putting, until you realize the hero is coming to identify with and save the REAL YOU by sheer grace.

Sermon Points:

  • John Prepares
  • Jesus Saves

The Hero Fulfills | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 2:13-23

Joseph and Mary find themselves in the center of God’s will for their lives…and they’re suffering horribly. But Matthew sees beneath the surface of their struggles to the undercurrents of fulfillment that Jesus is going to bring, becoming the True and Better Israel for his people.

Sermon Points:

  • A Jewish Do Over
  • A God Who Grieves
  • A Branch Arising

The Hero Arrives | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 1:1-6, 16-25

Every hero has an origin story! Matthew introduces us to this long anticipated hero by way of a genealogy and then a supernatural beginning involving a virgin pregnancy. These two avenues of introduction set the table for the kind of hero Jesus will be. He is going to be a hero that identifies with the broken and sinners and will save and heal everything that is wrong with the world.

Sermon Points:

  • The Need For a Hero
  • The People of the Hero

Jesus Christ His Only Son, Our Lord | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 17:1-13

No act of believing can be said to have integrity until the full weight of exactly who we have put our faith in has been reasonably grappled with. Matthew 17 tells the almost incredible story of Jesus’ unveiling himself to show us exactly what the Creed means when it says, “Jesus…our LORD.”

Sermon Points:

  • The Majesty of Jesus
    • The Countenance
    • The Cloud
    • The Company
  • The Ministry of Jesus