God, the Father Almighty | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:5-13

If we are all by nature worshipers and living by faith, then it makes sense that the Apostles Creed begins with the being and nature of God, which is reality itself. The Creed invites us to place our faith in the one true God who exists in three persons. Therefore, “I believe in God the Father Almighty…” is inviting us into a relationship with God who is both strong and humble, near and transcendent, powerful and tender, just and merciful.

Sermon Points:

  • In God
  • The Father
  • Almighty

Waiting for Jesus | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 25:1-13

Christmas can be so powerful “ho hum” for us the older we get. Is it possible that we think of Jesus first coming so little because we have lost sight of his second coming? What will that be like? The parable of the bridesmaids gives peculiar insight into learning to wait on Jesus well.

Sermon Points:

  • The Tradition of Weddings
  • The Practice of Waiting
  • The Hope of the Future

Shouldering the Weary Nations

Scripture Reference: Matthew 11:25-30

How are you listening and living in Jesus Christ?

Sermon Points:

  • Jesus Give Us an Intimate Hope
  • Jesus Give Us a Humble Invitation