The Search for Joy | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Psalm 63
CS Lewis is an expert on the deep longing of the soul (what he called “Joy”) and how important it is to understanding the human condition. But David has found the ultimate fountain of joy in God, and investigating it opens up all kinds of doors to our humanity.

Sermon Points:

  • The Occasion for Joy
  • The Emotion of Joy
  • The Cultivation of Joy

The Anatomy of Guilt | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Psalm 51
It’s been argued that there is no sensation that haunts a human being more than the pervasive (and often unnamed) sense of guilt inside us. Psalm 51 walks us through exactly how King David, on the heels of a massive moral failure, navigated his way to God’s grace.

Sermon Points:

  • The Occasion of Guilt
  • The Mischief of Guilt
  • The Nature of Guilt
  • The Healing of Guilt

Singing Our Fears | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Psalm 3
David is afraid as his son Absalom has enacted a coup and is trying to hunt him down. As David prays, we see how he seeks the help of others and trusts the Lord, and thereby gives us a roadmap for our fears.

Sermon Points:

  • Fear Defined (vv. 1-2)
  • Fear That Leads to Wisdom (vv. 3-8)

A World of Sorrow | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Psalm 13
One of the most striking features of the book of Psalms, for careful readers, is how realistic they are. Psalm 13 doesn’t shy away from full acknowledgement of the tragedy of human pain and sorrow. But how do God’s people keep from being consumed by it?

Sermon Points:

  • Own the Sadness (vs. 1-2)
  • Establish the Truth (vs. 3-4)
  • Start the Healing (vs. 5-6)

A World of Wonder | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Psalm 19
Psalm 19 is a pretty famous Psalm because it celebrates the universal joy of finding wonder in our daily lives. But we often miss the point, so David leads us not only to find true joy in God’s word, but in the Living Word, the One the Psalm points us to… Jesus.

Sermon Points:

  • The Emotion of Wonder
  • The Limitations of Wonder
  • The Focus of Wonder