The Hero On Trial | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:1-2, 11-26

The hero, Jesus, is accused of treason. Amidst the trial, we see interactions between the hero, Pontius Pilate, a criminal named Barabbas, and the crowds. All of these interactions reveal the character Jesus and the way He will save and restore. Our hero will be a suffering servant, healing the world by taking what He does not deserve.

Sermon Points:

  • The Hero & Pilate
  • The Hero & Barabbas
  • The Hero & the Crowds

The Hero & Judgement | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 25:31-46

In the last public teaching before his arrest and crucifixion, our hero Jesus tells the audience about the judgment to come. It’s a sobering passage, but it reveals Jesus love for this world and how committed He is to rid this world of everything poisonous. Jesus is the judge who sees all, is opposed to all evil and amazingly receives every act of generosity as if it was done for Him. He’s a judge who can be trusted.

Sermon Points:

  • The Certainty of judgment (vv. 31-34, 36)
  • The Criteria of judgment (vv. 33-45)
  • The Judge of Judgment

The Coronation of the Hero | Brian Sorgenfrei

 Scripture Reference: Matthew 21:1-11, 14-16

Our hero enters Jerusalem in a way that reveals very clearly his claims about himself and therefore stirs up quite a bit of energy. Jesus’ parade into town on what is now known as “Palm Sunday” is boldly proclaiming Himself as King. However, this King’s carrier is a common donkey. Combine these two facts, and Jesus is revealing just the kind of King that He is! One that is humble enough to die for His people.

Sermon Points:

  • The Hero Is King
  • The Hero Is Humble

The Hero of Disturbing Grace | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 20:1-19

Our hero teaches another parable displaying the kind of kingdom he is bringing into this world. That kingdom is one of sheer grace! Grace is disturbing in a world that functions according to merit, but holds out tremendous hope.

Sermon Points:

  • The Allergy
  • The Antidote

The Hero And Our Treasures | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 19:13-30

Our hero, Jesus, has an interaction with a man who by the worlds standards has it all, and the result of the conversation leaves everyone perplexed. The man and the hearers of this passage are confronted with a sobering question, is Jesus worth letting go of all my other treasures…is He worth it? He is, but there must be something about riches that make it difficult for people to see Jesus’ worth.

Sermon Points:

  • Facing Jesus (v. 16)
  • Missing Jesus (vv. 17-24)
  • Treasuring Jesus (vv. 13-15, 25-30)