Covenant | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 9:1-17

We live in a world that totters on the brink of collapse, it seems, from a lack of certainty about the world. But God’s covenant (contract) with Noah shows that God’s people can have a radical foundation for our relationship with the world, with justice, and in our own hearts.

Sermon Points:

  • Certainty about the World
  • Certainty about Justice
  • Certainty about Ourselves

Supernatural | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 6:1-4

There is a very strange tidbit of a story in Genesis 6:1ff that is so odd that many are tempted to consign the Bible over to an absurd document of superstition. But if you dig into its meaning, you might find it opens us up to an unseen realm where God orders the world.

Sermon Points:

  • What does this story say?
  • What does this story mean?
  • Why should this matter to me?

Redemption | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:14-24

How do you embrace the effects of evil in life and the dire consequences of sin but look to forgiveness as God’s only remedy. This is something in our culture that we don’t do very well, but if we don’t figure out how to love forgiveness, we’ll splinter into oblivion.

Sermon Points:

  • The Consequences
  • The Sacrifice
  • The Human Condition

Sex | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 2:21-25

There are few things like human sexuality to polarize our secular culture’s opinions of Christians. But rooted in Genesis 2 is a profound confession by Adam as he looks at Eve about God, and how he’s going to save the world that will likely shock you.

Sermon Points:

  • Sex and the Trinity
  • Sex and the Bible
  • Sex and Us

Gender | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 2:18-25

We live in a day when sex and gender have been torn apart in the culture’s imagination, only to suggest that our sexual differences are merely skin deep. Genesis 2 says otherwise. Quite the contrary, our sexual differences are a window into the very love of God for his people.

Sermon Points:

  • Adam Finds Himself Alone
  • Adam Finds Himself a Helper in Eve
  • Adam Finds Himself in Eve