Work | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 2:5-17

For most adults, the singular formational activity in which we are engaged is our jobs. Which is probably why our work is so fraught with opportunities for difficulty in life. But Genesis 2 lays out a framework for how God intended for his image bearers to think about their work.

Sermon Points:

  • The Sacredness of Our Work
  • The Danger of Our Work
  • The Goal of Our Work

Creativity | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 1:1-5

The opening book of the Bible reveals a God who speaks things into being with a majestic artistry that forms the foundation of humanity’s search for what is good, true and beautiful.

Sermon Points:

  • The God of Creativity
  • The Gift of Creativity


Sovereignty | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1 cuts across our present Western context with a clear and radical proposition: there is a God and he is the creator of all things. From that one premise comes the foundation of a Christian view of the world.

Sermon Points:

  • God and the gods
  • God and His Creation
  • Creation and God’s People

The Bible is a Reliable Document of Antiquity

Scripture Reference: 2 Thessalonians 3:17

The average “person on the street” doesn’t have a fair knowledge of the vast amount of scholarship that has bee spent on establishing an undeniable fact: that the Bible is the most reliable document of antiquity existing today. “Why,” is our topic in this sermon.

Sermon Points:

  • Translation
  • Transmission
  • These Books
  • Trustworthy Authors
  • Truthful

The Bible is a Transforming Power

Sermon Reference: 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Hebrews 4:12-13

Perhaps the reason why we are disinterested in the Bible is because we don’t fully apprehend what the Bible claims to be. The truth is: if you are committed to the status quo in your life, then by all means don’t dive into the transforming power that is the Scripture.

Sermon Points:

  • The God Who Speaks
  • God’s Words and Our Words
  • God’s Words and Our Lives