Getting The Word Out

Scripture Reference: Romans 10:4-17

Paul cares so deeply for his fellow Jewish countrymen that he writes an extended explanation of exactly HOW they are to come to faith, if they do. In so doing, he provides modern believing people with a new way of thinking about the challenging topic of evangelism.

Sermon Points:

  • The Mechanics of Evangelism
  • The Agent of Evangelism
  • The Effectiveness of Evangelism

God’s Purpose in Election

Scripture Reference: Romans 9:1-8, 14-20, 30-33

Paul entertains a question about God’s faithfulness to “bring us all the way home” that is potentially undone by Jewish rejection of the Gospel. The answer takes us deep into the mind of God and his purposes in election and a “love that will not let me go.”

Sermon Points:

  • A Question About Jews
  • A Question About Election
  • A Question About Faith

The Convinced Life

Scripture Reference: Romans 8:28-39

Insecurities plague us everyday and are often the root cause of the anxieties that shorten our lives. But Paul’s exposition at the end of Romans 8 gives us a picture of a totally secure and convinced life, resting in the certainty of the Christian vision of the future.

Sermon Points:

  • God’s Sovereignty
  • God’s Efficiency
  • God’s Adequacy

No Condemnation

Scripture Reference: Romans 8:1-17

Romans 8 is a chapter that is preoccupied with the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christians. But what exactly does the Spirit do? How does he drive home the “no condemnation” that Paul pronounces at the beginning of this magnificent chapter?

Sermon Points:

  • The Spirit Brings Sanctification
  • The Spirit Brings Resurrection
  • The Spirit Brings Sonship

The Christian Life is a Fight

Scripture Reference: Romans 7:7-25

The law of God has picked a fight with believing people. Because what was started by grace can never be completed by law. This inevitably leads to conflict. Understanding and locating this conflict is THE key to Christian growth and sanctification.

Sermon Points:

  • The Reality of the Fight
  • The Location of the Fight