The Matter of Motives

Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:1-4, 16-18

Jesus knows us very well. The minute that genuine piety enters our daily practice, the sinful heart looks for ways to take credit for it. Before long, all our piety is nothing but a show. But Jesus has great wisdom for hypocrites and genuine faith.

Sermon Points:

  • The Necessity of Piety
  • The Spoiling of Piety
  • The Healing of Piety

The Good Life and Our Enemies

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:38-48

The greatest threat to the Good Life is the interruption of wholeness by those who hate us. If we can’t figure out what to do about our enemies, how can we ever be truly blessed? Jesus’ teaching is powerfully radical on this score.

Sermon Points:

  • The Problem with Retaliation
  • The Strategy towards Enemies
  • The Quest for Wholeness

The Problem With Divorce

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:31-32

No vision of the Good Life is complete without some emphasis on protecting married individuals from the pervasive, erosive effects of their OWN sin. So Jesus lays down a dramatic vision for the permanence of marriage AND hope of relief to the suffering.

Sermon Points:

  • When We Need To Stay
  • When We Are Allowed To Leave
  • How Not To Get Divorced

Jesus and the Fear of Dying

Scripture Reference: Revelation 1:12-20

The Apostle John introduces a heavenly vision to a people for whom Christianity has stopped working. But it’s a vision of the RISEN Christ that ends up being transformational for this suffering people. It can do the same for us!

Sermon Points:

  • The Vision
  • The Victory

The Heart of Lust

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:27-30

Jesus’ warnings against lust go way beyond external explanations for our sexual behavior. Searchingly, he encourages us to go into the very depth of our motivational centers to uncover the heart of lust. (Adult themed content!)

Sermon Points:

  • The Tyranny of Lust
  • The Anatomy of Lust
  • The Healing of Lust