The Taming of Anger

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:21-26

Jesus begins his catechism of the Good Life by zeroing in on the most destructive force to human flourishing: our hatred for each other. His teaching lays us bare for what is really motivating our anger and how to heal it as well.

Sermon Points:

  • Righteous Anger
  • Unrighteous Anger
  • Taming Our Anger

The Good & Imperishable Life

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:17-20

Jesus is ready to launch into his description of the inner life of his followers, but first clarifies his relationship to the reigning source of truth of his day, the Old Testament Law. But Jesus is not an innovator, but a fulfiller.

Sermon Points:

  • The Bible is Reliable
  • The Bible is About Jesus
  • The Bible is Trustworthy


Being The Church In The World

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:13-16

For the better part of the last few decades, the church in America has struggled to get clear on the question of what it means to be a faithful witness to Jesus in the world. But Jesus gives us two powerful images to begin a better conversation about it.

Sermon Points:

  • The Church as SALT
  • The Church as LIGHT
  • Being The Church In The World

The Outputs of the Good Life

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:6-12

The Christian life is one of “moving in” but then “moving out.” In other words, you know when the humility of the first half of the Beatitudes has landed when the last half of them begin to come out of your life.

Sermon Points:

  • Finding Righteousness
  • Showing Mercy
  • Rooting Out Idolatry
  • Peacemaking and Opposition

The Good Life and Identity

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:1-5

Jesus begins his deep dive into his definition of the Good Life by heading into the far reaches of our humanity where our pride, our callousness, and our power grabs live and keep us away from true human flourishing.

Sermon Points:

  • The Way of Poverty
  • The Way of a Broken Heart
  • The Way of Meekness