No Lying

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:16

The commandments go directly to the most fundamental aspect of human existence and it turns out that the words we say and think are powerful indicators of both the nature of our hearts and the direction of our lives.

Sermon Points:

  • The Powerful Tongue
  • The Destructive Tongue
  • The Healing Tongue

No Stealing

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:15

It’s amazing how attached we get to our “stuff.” So powerful is this influence that our sin leads us to take things that have not been entrusted with us to steward. How can we become generous people when the Bible tell us, “No Stealing?”

Sermon Points:

  • The Connection to Possessions
  • The Danger of Possessions
  • The Opportunity of Possessions

Sexuality Corrupted

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:14

Sex is like fire. When used properly, it can warm and fascinate you. But when it is misused and abused, it can burn and scar you. What are the ways in which the Bible addresses sexual dysfunction in our day?

Sermon Points:

Sexuality Created

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:14

We live in a time of greater confusion about sex and gender than ever in our nation’s history. Slicing through the fog, however, is God’s simple: No Adultery. What seems hopelessly quaint to some is a window into Jesus’ desire to be intimate with his people.

Sermon Points:

  • The Maze of Sexuality
  • The Power of Sexuality
  • The Purpose of Sexuality

No Murder

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:13

The image of God present within the constitution of every single person, places a great burden on every OTHER person not only to avoid damaging that image, but also to do everything within our power to bless that image bearer.

Sermon Points:

  • Living With The Image of God
  • Taking Life Away
  • Giving Life Away