Honoring the Family

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:12

There are few things more complicated in people’s lives than the relationships with our family. God’s design is for legitimate lines of authority to be “honored” by all, while realizing that HE is the only true Father of us all.

Sermon Points:

  • The Permanence of Family
  • The Posture of Family
  • The Power of Family

The Rhythms of Work & Rest

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:8-11

For most of us, the rhythm of life is a chaotic and frenetic mess, scrambling around trying to stay ‘productive’ and have your ‘head above water.’ In this chaos, the 4th Commandment enters and invites God’s people into a deep rest of the soul.

Sermon Points:

  • The Nature of Work
  • The Need to Rest

No Worthless Name Taking

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:7

The 10 Commandments forbid us to “take God’s name” in a worthless manner. His “name” is the summation of his character, his reputation. But how do we guard the reputation of the God of the Universe?

Sermon Points:

  • Respect- Giving Weight To God
  • Hypocrisy- Spoiling God’s Reputation
  • Hope for Disrespectful Hypocrites

Christ the Cornerstone

Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 2:4-7

On our building Dedication Service, we look at how Peter unpacks the idea that Jesus is our “cornerstone.” In this image, we see the only way in which we can understand what it means to cast our life onto Jesus and maintain a proper perspective as we move into this building.

Sermon Points:

  • The Nature of the Cornerstone
  • The Meaning of the Cornerstone

No Graven Images

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:4-6

God takes our relationship with him seriously. But in order for it to be a real relationship we must honor who he REALLY is and not what we would like for him to be. The Second Commandment urges us to leave his self-revelation up to him.

Sermon Points:

  • The Bible and Images
  • God and Images
  • The Word and Images