The Throne Room | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 4

When John steps through the open door of heaven, his vision is dominated (shown in the sheer amount of times he uses the word) by a Throne. He’s fixated and amazed. The entourage surrounding him suggests something deeply profound about human beings proclivity for worship.

Sermon Points:

  • How John Sees
  • What John Sees
  • What John Means

The Son of Man is a Pastor, Part 2 | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 3:14-22

Jesus seeks to bring about changes in his churches he’s confronting in Revelation chapters two and three, but it’s not enough to change the way they are “thinking” about themselves. They must also change their actions, and chapters two through three contain oceans of wisdom for God’s people seeking to pursue Godly change.

Sermon Points:

  • Things Charged
    • Do the first things…
    • Endure patiently…
    • Wake up…
    • Buy from me gold…
  • Things Promised

The Son of Man is a Pastor, Part 1 | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 2:1-7
Christians live in a world that is being invaded by grace and reconciliation, but a world that still is beset by sin and destruction. We live in the “already and the not yet.” So when the Son of Man in John’s vision comes to speak to the churches, he does so with commendation and condemnation.

Sermon Points:

  • Things to Commend
    • Fighting Against Error
    • Enduring Suffering
    • Doing Good Works
  • Things to Condemn
    • Lack of Love
    • Compromise With The World
    • Deadness
    • Lukewarm-ness

Jesus In Your Midst | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Revelation 1:9-20

Our story opens with John as a political exile on an island prison, likely concerned that his ministry life is ebbing away. But a voice from the heavenly realm speaks to him, and nothing will ever be the same. And the voice that spoke to John still speaks to us today. But will we listen?

Sermon Points:

  • John Is In The Spirit
  • Jesus Is Among The Lampstands
  • The Church Is Safe With Her Champion

The Forgiveness of Sins | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 18:21-35

Cancel Culture as we knew it in the last decade seems to be fading somewhat, but the questions our society faced throughout still linger in the conscience. But Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness as THE necessity of the Christian life is just as fresh (and challenging) as it ever was and the Creed seeks to keep every generation from forgetting that.

Sermon Points:

  • The Costliness of Forgiveness
  • The Reality of Forgiveness
  • The Practice of Forgiveness