Launch a Healing

Scripture Reference: Luke 4:16-22

Jesus’ first recorded sermon is a power packed outline of what he intends to bring in his Kingdom vision. But are these blessings purely spiritual OR are they enacted in the physical world? And if both, what is the priority of Christ Pres as we seek to “Launch a Healing” in our city?

Sermon Points:

  • The Kingdom is “Inward-Outward”
  • The Kingdom is “Local-Global”
  • The Kingdom is “Jesus-Grace”

Building A Home

Scripture Reference: Psalm 87

Ezekiel’s vision of the Temple has a river flowing out of it. What will flow out of Christ Pres in the years to come? We will “Build A Home.” God is not saving isolated individuals. He’s saving a corporate entity called the Church. But life together is not easy nor natural. It takes work.

Sermon Points:

  • The Lord Loves His People
  • The Lord Loves His Enemies
  • The Lord Loves His Creation

Proclaiming a Hope

Scripture Reference: Luke 24:13-32

The beginning of a three-week mini series on CPC’s core values, we look at what we mean when we say that we “Proclaim a Hope.” The Bible (and more specifically what the Bible talks about) is the heart of what we’re about here. The Bible’s authority, it’s subject, and it’s power is our topic this morning.

Sermon Points:

  • Jesus Thinks the Bible Has Authority
  • Jesus Thinks the Bible Is About Him
  • Jesus Thinks the Bible Has Power

The Joy In The Presence

Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 6:16-23

Something has happened to David. The hard lessons of inviting Yahweh’s presence to dwell among them have dug a deep well of transforming joy in his heart, so much so that he’s able to dance with the lowest rung of society and stave off his wife’s condescending mockery.

Sermon Points:

  • David’s Transformation
  • David’s Antagonism
  • David’s Example

The Good News In The Presence

Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 6:11-19

David is despondent in the wake of the events surrounding his desire to bring the Ark back to the Tabernacle. But he hears that God’s intention is to bless his people again, so he searches for a better way to enter the Presence, and forms a bloody trail up into the Tabernacle.

Sermon Points:

  • How Did David Enter In?
  • How Can We Enter In?