No Other Gods, Part 2

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:3

Once you’ve worked through the existence of idols in general, the hard work is then exploring the idols within your own heart and community. What are the prevailing idolatries of the Oxford MS community? And how do they inform the struggles going on inside my own heart?

Sermon Points:

  • Naming Our Idols
  • Battling Our Idols

No Other Gods, Part 1

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:1-2

The Bible has a very specific way of explaining you to YOU. That is, it shows how we are, by manufacturer’s design, motivated and changed. Without question, the first commandment is the most important plank in that explanation.

Sermon Points:

  • The Shape of our Humanity
  • The Dynamics of our Idolatry

Arc of the Moral Universe

Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:1-2

God’s law is not a list of “suggestions.” Law is deeply connected to creation as the means by which his creatures can flourish. The law forms the very fabric of reality and therefore, the “air we breath” for people desiring their full humanity.

Sermon Points: 

  • The Responses
    • Traditionalist
    • Revisionist
  • The Blessings
    • Clarity
    • Adventure
    • Intimacy

Launch a Healing

Scripture Reference: Luke 4:16-22

Jesus’ first recorded sermon is a power packed outline of what he intends to bring in his Kingdom vision. But are these blessings purely spiritual OR are they enacted in the physical world? And if both, what is the priority of Christ Pres as we seek to “Launch a Healing” in our city?

Sermon Points:

  • The Kingdom is “Inward-Outward”
  • The Kingdom is “Local-Global”
  • The Kingdom is “Jesus-Grace”

Building A Home

Scripture Reference: Psalm 87

Ezekiel’s vision of the Temple has a river flowing out of it. What will flow out of Christ Pres in the years to come? We will “Build A Home.” God is not saving isolated individuals. He’s saving a corporate entity called the Church. But life together is not easy nor natural. It takes work.

Sermon Points:

  • The Lord Loves His People
  • The Lord Loves His Enemies
  • The Lord Loves His Creation