Can a Mother Forget Her Child?

Scripture Reference: Isaiah 49:14-16

God has made fantastic promises to the enslaved and exiled people of God…but they still doubt. The still feel forsaken by him and forgotten. But this is when God gives them an image of a nursing mother holding her baby and tells them to think through just how much he loves them.

Sermon Points:

  • The Fear
  • The Promise
  • The Seal

Battling The Forces Of Evil

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 6:10-24

Paul wraps up his discussion with a discourse on the inevitable conflict that Jesus’ followers will encounter. Unfortunately, this passage has so much cultural encrustation around it, it can be hard to see what he’s really saying. But once you do, the way you look at the world will never be the same.

Sermon Points:

  • The Location of the Fight
  • The Nature of the Fight
  • The Weapons in the Fight

Bondservants of Christ

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 6:4-9

There are few things like our relationship to our work that’ll bring out the spiritual struggles inside all of us. Some of us love our jobs, while others of us hate them. Regardless, Paul instructions were powerfully countercultural and can help us even today.

Sermon Points:

  • The Context of Paul’s Teaching
  • The Content of Paul’s Teaching
  • The Confidence in Paul’s Teaching

It’s A Family Affair

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 6:1-4

There is not the slightest notion in Paul that the Gospel truths he’s been unpacking can stay safely in a “non-public” place. Rather, it shows up in the most fundamental relationships of human life: children and parents.

Sermon Points:

  • The Simplicity of the Commands
  • The Wisdom in the Commands
  • The Motivation in the Commands

Marriage & Mystery

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 5:22-33

The Church, Paul has said, is the most conspicuous place where God is going to show his intentions for the universe. Marriage is the other place where he will do that. Turns out, men and women have different roles to play in this cosmic drama.

Sermon Points:

  • The Role of the Church: Wives
  • The Role of the Head of the Church: Husbands
  • The Big Finale: Profound Union