It’s A Family Affair

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 6:1-4

There is not the slightest notion in Paul that the Gospel truths he’s been unpacking can stay safely in a “non-public” place. Rather, it shows up in the most fundamental relationships of human life: children and parents.

Sermon Points:

  • The Simplicity of the Commands
  • The Wisdom in the Commands
  • The Motivation in the Commands

Marriage & Mystery

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 5:22-33

The Church, Paul has said, is the most conspicuous place where God is going to show his intentions for the universe. Marriage is the other place where he will do that. Turns out, men and women have different roles to play in this cosmic drama.

Sermon Points:

  • The Role of the Church: Wives
  • The Role of the Head of the Church: Husbands
  • The Big Finale: Profound Union

Marriage & Mission

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 5:22-33

This is the first of a two part series on marriage in Ephesians. So many people fail at marriage because they are trying to use it for purposes that it was NOT intended to provide. Wrapping our minds around Paul’s vision for what marriage is and is not is our topic this morning. We find out that it’s directly tied to his larger mission for the world.

Sermon Points:

  • Marriage is a picture of God’s Grand Plan
  • Marriage is an antidote for human selfishness
  • Marriage is a sign of how Jesus heals us

Imitating God

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 5:1-22

Sermon Points:

  • Walk In Love
  • Walk In Light
  • Walk In Wisdom

Resurrection and Fear

Scripture Reference: John 20:19-20

We are living in unprecedented times. There is a pandemic of fear as much as there is of the coronavirus. But the disciples knew exactly what fear was as they sat alone in their homes. But Jesus appeared, and nothing was going to be same after that.

Sermon Points:

  • The Object of our Fears
  • The Defeat of our Fears
  • The Neutralizing of our Fears