Ephesians 2:1-10
Paul has some decidedly unflattering things to say about mankind outside of Christ at the opening of chapter 2. We are “dead” he says. But only realization of that can prepare us for the heights of love he expresses as he call us his “masterpiece.”
Get Your Bearings
Ephesians 1:7-10, 15-23
This passage will give you a nosebleed it’s such high doctrine. Paul unveils God’s secret to reunite all things: people, races, nations…even heaven and earth, in Christ. What that means for us is our topic this morning: the restoration of all things.
The Kaleidoscope of Joy
Ephesians 1:3-14
Paul explodes in verses 3-14 in a string of notions that color the joy of his salvation in vivid display. The long run on sentence sings about God’s provision of adoption, his purchase of his people through Jesus’ blood, and the work of the Spirit to guarantee their future. All joy this week!