The Kaleidoscope of Joy
Ephesians 1:3-14
Paul explodes in verses 3-14 in a string of notions that color the joy of his salvation in vivid display. The long run on sentence sings about God’s provision of adoption, his purchase of his people through Jesus’ blood, and the work of the Spirit to guarantee their future. All joy this week!
The Longing in Our Singing
Luke 2:22-35
The last song we’ll consider is Simeon’s treatment of his life’s longing. The Spirit promised him that he’d see the resolution of all his life’s longing. But that longing still has a sober tone to it. Mary will especially embody the pain that’ll come from bearing and, eventually, worshipping this child. These are the shadow songs of Christmas.
The Joy in Our Singing
The angels announcement is more than just God’s convenient messengers. They are getting a chance to express something we have long known: that even the angels LONG to look into the salvation God is winning for his people. Only the Gospel could bring this kind of joy.