A People Commissioned

Exodus 19:1-9

Chapter 19 is the “seam” of the book of Exodus. All that came before hinges on this chapter where God tells the Jews what he’s commissioned them for, to be a “kingdom of priests,” healers of the His good world. Here we learn what it looks like for God’s people to be called to be holy.

A People Fed

Exodus 16:1-15, 22-26

The Hebrews were doing more than “complaining” when Exodus describes their “grumbling.” They were expressing their addiction to the Egyptian way of life. But God soothes their cravings with bread from heaven.

A People Rescued

Exodus 14:10-31

The Red Sea Crossing was a historically powerful emblem to God’s people to show how God had rescued them from an impossible situation by a miraculous salvation.

A People Redeemed

Exodus 12:3, 11-13, 29-30; 13:1

There comes a point when the death and violence in the Bible starts to get to you. How can the god not only tolerate, but also advocate for the death of the Egyptian firstborn and then memorialize the event with the death of lambs?