A People Exorcised

Exodus 7:1-13; 9:13-17

We look at YHWH’s visitation of the plagues upon the cruel Egyptians. And while it’s easy to cheer for the vindication of the Hebrew people through the episode, the severity of God’s punishment upon Pharaoh is something we aren’t used to seeing. How do we understand God’s judgement on the Egyptians?

A People Opposed

Exodus 5:1-2, 6:1-9

Have you considered the kinds of opposition that a church faces as it becomes the people of God? It’s instinctive among Christians to assume that most of the opposition they face will come from the watching (re: doubting) world. But so often the enemies of peace come from within a heart still attached to its slavery.

A People Reborn

Exodus 4:18-31

Why would God want to kill Moses only moments after commissioning him to lead the Jews out of Egypt? Unless, it wasn’t Moses’ life he was seeking. It’s a challenging passage, but one we’ll tackle only to find rich nugget about being the people of God.

A People Meeting God

Exodus 3:1 –6;4:10 –13

What happens when God calls Moses from the Burning Bush? It’s a famous story, but rarely do we realize that this is a powerful story on what it’s like to “meet God.” We all say we wish we could meet God and ask him some questions, but do we really know what we’re asking for?

A People Turning

Exodus 2

What happens when the turning point comes? God is ready to act on behalf of his people. But already we see the dysfunction that God’s chosen leader will exhibit, but also the echoes of a true and better Redeemer that is to come.