Singing Our Search for Significance | Brian Sorgenfrei
Whitney Reese
Scripture Reference: Psalm 8
Though our culture looks inward to our feelings or our accomplishments to search for an identity, David sings to a majestic Lord and discovers his purpose and significance in light of Him. …
Scripture Reference: Psalm 63
CS Lewis is an expert on the deep longing of the soul (what he called "Joy") and how important it is to understanding the human condition. But David has found the ultimate …
Scripture Reference: Acts 1:1-11
Acts 1:1-11 examines the church’s role in God’s mission. It explores how Jesus’ ascension marks the continuation of His work through His people and warns against the dangers of mission drift. This …
Scripture Reference: Psalm 51
It's been argued that there is no sensation that haunts a human being more than the pervasive (and often unnamed) sense of guilt inside us. Psalm 51 walks us through exactly how …
Scripture Reference: Psalm 3
David is afraid as his son Absalom has enacted a coup and is trying to hunt him down. As David prays, we see how he seeks the help of others and trusts …
Scripture Reference: Psalm 13
One of the most striking features of the book of Psalms, for careful readers, is how realistic they are. Psalm 13 doesn't shy away from full acknowledgement of the tragedy of human …
Scripture Reference: Psalm 19
Psalm 19 is a pretty famous Psalm because it celebrates the universal joy of finding wonder in our daily lives. But we often miss the point, so David leads us not only …
Scripture Reference: Psalm 2
Psalm 1 and 2 have been called the opening pillars of entrance into the world of the Psalms . Psalm 2 is a overarching look at the central problem and solution of …
Scripture Reference: Psalm 1
Psalm 1 and 2 have been called the opening pillars of entrance into the world of the Psalms. Psalm 1 is the powerfully clarifying contrast between two ways of living life: a …
Scripture Reference: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
When it comes to pain and loss in this life, Christians can put their hope in the second coming of the Lord and we must be diligent to keep that day …
Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:11, Leviticus 23:37-43, Matthew 6:16-18
The New Year typically brings renewed goals! The Scriptures give us numerous practices that help form us individually and communally into the likeness of Jesus. What would it …