proclaiming a Hope that builds a Home that launches a Healing
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Hardship & Hope | Scott Byrd
Whitney Reese
Scripture Reference: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
When it comes to pain and loss in this life, Christians can put their hope in the second coming of the Lord and we must be diligent to keep that day …
Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:11, Leviticus 23:37-43, Matthew 6:16-18
The New Year typically brings renewed goals! The Scriptures give us numerous practices that help form us individually and communally into the likeness of Jesus. What would it …
Scripture Reference: Luke 2:8-20
When the angels appear to the shepherds in the countryside fields outside Bethlehem, they do so because they are finally being granted permission to sing about what they LOVE to contemplate: the …
Scripture Reference: Revelation 19:1-9, 21:1-8, 22:14-21
Revelation gives us an astounding picture of what Christians are looking forward to at King Jesus return. John sees that Jesus return brings everlasting life and joy as He makes …
Scripture Reference: Revelation 20
We don't like to hear the ending of books before we're read them, but Christian need to know their own "ending" so that we don't give in to despair. So much has …
Scripture Reference: Revelation 19:1-9
The surprising culmination of John's vision of Jesus' dealing with his people culminates in the great Wedding Supper of the Lamb, where Jesus will take his Bride to himself. Turns out, the …
Scripture Reference: Revelation 17
John unpacks a second, albeit disturbing, image in Rev. 17-18 of a disgusting Prostitute who has corrupted the nations of the world. Far more than just a sexual image, John is talking …
Scripture Reference: Revelation 16
In the third and final recapitulation of seven-fold judgements that God's people will have to face, we see God putting an end to all excuses, and, by implication, all mercy. All that's …
The Beastly War of World History | Brian Sorgenfrei
Whitney Reese
Scripture Reference: Revelation 12:17-14:5
The dragon calls forth two beasts to assist him in waging war against followers of Jesus. These two beastly images paint a vivid picture of world history. The church must know that …
Scripture Reference: Revelation 12
How do you account for the outrageous evil that we've seen inflicted on the church in the last 100 years of human history? Revelation 12's answer is that it is due to …
Justified by Faith: Lessons from the Life of Abraham | John Stone
Whitney Reese
Scripture Reference: Romans 4:1-8
Sermon Points:
Abraham Was Not Justified by Works
Abraham Received Justification by Faith
God Is the One Who Justifies Abraham