Abide: Truth and Error; God is Love | Anna Dabbs

Our Spring 2025 study Women’s Bible Study started on Wednesday, January 29th. We are studying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John using Jen Wilkin’s Abide study.

Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. Childcare is provided for both studies.

Abide: A Credible Witness | Anna Dabbs

Our Spring 2025 study Women’s Bible Study started on Wednesday, January 29th. We are studying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John using Jen Wilkin’s Abide study.

Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. Childcare is provided for both studies.

Abide: You’ve Got Mail | Anna Dabbs

Our Spring 2025 study Women’s Bible Study started on Wednesday, January 29th. We are studying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John using Jen Wilkin’s Abide study.

Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. Childcare is provided for both studies.

Joshua: Joshua Did Not Fight the Battle of Jericho | Anna Dabbs

Joshua: Every Good Promise Kept

Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. Childcare is provided for both studies.

Joshua: Stepping into the World’s Largest Pair of Sneakers | Anna Dabbs

Joshua: Every Good Promise Kept

Womens Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. Childcare is provided for both studies.