Feasting & Fasting | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:11, Leviticus 23:37-43, Matthew 6:16-18
The New Year typically brings renewed goals!  The Scriptures give us numerous practices that help form us individually and communally into the likeness of Jesus.  What would it look like for our practices around food this year to point us to what God is doing and shape us into the likeness of Jesus.  Scripture points us to the practices of feasting and fasting.

Sermon Points:

  • Consider Food (Matt. 6:11)
  • Consider Feasting (Lev. 23:37-43, John 2:1-10, Rev. 19:9)
  • Consider Fasting (Matt. 6:16-18)
  • Consider the Bread of Life (John 6:35)

It’s All Worth It | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Revelation 19:1-9, 21:1-8, 22:14-21
Revelation gives us an astounding picture of what Christians are looking forward to at King Jesus return. John sees that Jesus return brings everlasting life and joy as He makes all things new! Could St. Augustine be right when he said, “In God’s home, there is an everlasting party?”

Sermon Points: Your future self says “Come” because…

  • The joy will never end (19:1-9, 21:4,8, 22:15)
  • All things are made new (21:5)
  • God is there (21:3)

Samson in Timnah | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Judges 14:1—15:20

The focal point of Samson’s feats are not his apparent moral failings but God’s awesome deliverance—note how often the Spirit of the Lord is mentioned. The true “sad” side of the story is that Israel does not want to be delivered. Thanks, but no thanks Samson.

Adult Sunday School (9:45am): Judges – God’s people are often prone to gospel amnesia—we forget how vile and disgusting our sin is, and at the same time how great and persistent God’s salvation is. Come find out how the Old Testament Book of Judges—in both gritty and glorious detail—provides a good remedy for amnesiacs like ourselves.

The Beastly War of World History | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Revelation 12:17-14:5
The dragon calls forth two beasts to assist him in waging war against followers of Jesus. These two beastly images paint a vivid picture of world history. The church must know that Satan will try to conquer the church through intimidation and false teaching. However, the good news of the complete salvation of the Slain Lamb means His people will endure.

Sermon Points:

  • Intimidating Beast (13:1-8)
  • Deceiving Beast (13:11-15)
  • Mark of the Beast (13:16-18)
  • Resisting the Beast (13:9-10, 14:1-5)

Samson’s Birth | Brian Sorgenfrei

Scripture Reference: Judges 13:1—25

Samson has widely been considered the worst of the judges; have we gotten Samson wrong? The clue is found here in his extended birth story.

Adult Sunday School (9:45am): Judges – God’s people are often prone to gospel amnesia—we forget how vile and disgusting our sin is, and at the same time how great and persistent God’s salvation is. Come find out how the Old Testament Book of Judges—in both gritty and glorious detail—provides a good remedy for amnesiacs like ourselves.