The Exiled King | Les Newsom

 Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 16:5-14

This chapter finds David at the lowest point of his life. His family is depleted and shattered. He is being run out of his own home by his beloved son. But the place where David found refreshment is still available to us today.

Sermon Points:

  • The Mess David Finds Himself In
  • The Refuge David Retreats To

Foundations IV: Defeaters | Les Newsom

Foundations IV: Kingdom

Francis Schaeffer tells us, “Every person lives with a foot in each of two worlds—the real, external world characterized by its depth and complexity and an internal world of thought shaped by a longing for understanding, love and significance. If these two worlds stand in tension with each other, an individual cannot live meaningfully.”

Taught by Melvin Manickavasagam.

A Royal Intervention | Les Newsom

 Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 12:1-14

David is far gone in his sin. Not only has done heinous things, but he’s covered it up and in full denial. But Nathan’s intervention on his behalf successfully leads David into genuine repentance and shows us how we can do the same.

Sermon Points:

  • The Need for Intervention
  • The Substance of the Intervention
  • The Response to the Intervention

Pleasures Forevermore | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Psalm 16

Peter’s first sermon on Pentecost is preached from Psalm 16, a Psalm that he says actually looks forward to Jesus resurrection. But the preoccupation of the Psalm is with finding ultimate joy in God’s presence. How are they connected?

Sermon Points:

  • The Experience of Pleasure
  • The Location of Pleasure
  • The Fulfillment of Pleasure

A King For All Humanity | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 7:1-16

The Covenant that God makes for David has some of the most foundational truths about God’s relationship with his people that when you study it, it breaks on you with such joy when you see Jesus as “great David’s greater Son.”

Sermon Points:

  • Provision from God, not for God
  • A House for David, not for God
  • An Eternal Line, not a Temporary One