The Hero Drops The Mic | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 22:23-33

Jesus’ confrontation with the Sadducees unveils the flaws in the materialists worldview. Denying the resurrection not only makes us theologically in error, but we rob ourselves of the joy it takes to thrive in a world full of unfulfilled longings and death.

Sermon Points:

  • The Problem with the Materialist
  • The Correction of Jesus

The Hero Predicts the Future | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 24:1-35

Human beings have an insatiable desire to know the future. It’s the only way in which we can have hope. Well, Jesus has pronounced some serious judgement on the Jewish temple. So when will this happen and what can we expect from our future?

Sermon Points:

  • The Temple Will Fall
  • The Son of Man Will Come
  • Jesus’ Followers Will Be Ready

The Hero Picks A Fight | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 21:33-46

Jesus enters Jerusalem virtually daring the religious establishment to oppose him. It’s almost as if he wants to die at their hands. (!) But he shows them through this parable that they lack the singular attribute that must be persistent in each of Jesus’ followers soul: repentance.

Sermon Points:

  • The Challenge of Identity
  • The Challenge of Pride
  • The Challenge of the Stone

The Hero Protects The Vulnerable | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 19:1-9

As Jesus continues to show the “upside down” Kingdom, he takes aim at the social ill of divorce, which had become absurdly easy to obtain (for men…) and oppressive to wives. HOW he lays out the principles for marriage shows just how the Gospel provides hope for those hurting.

Sermon Points:

  • The Text
  • The Principle
  • The Practice

The Hero Forgives | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 18:21-35

Jesus begins to unpack his Kingdom ethic in chapters 18-20, including a remarkable parable about his demands for radical forgiveness from his followers. Few topics can be more difficult for Jesus’ followers to stomach, but we have to make sense of it if we’re going to follow him.

Sermon Points: 

  • Costliness of Forgiveness
  • Reality of Forgiveness
  • Practice of Forgiveness