The Hero Clashes | Les Newsom

Sermon Reference: Matthew 5:17-22

Jesus opens his famous Sermon on the Mount with a perplexing statement refuting a rumor that he had come to discard God’s law. Instead, he said he came to “fulfill” the law. What he meant by that is the key to understand the nature of Jesus’ whole mission, loving the law.

Sermon Points:

  • The Clash of Authority
  • The Clash of Religious Purpose
  • The Clash of Motivation

Suffered Under Pilate, Crucified, Dead, Buried, Descended | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Luke 23:1-4, 32-49

No other event in Jesus’ life gets more attention than the rather ignominious death on the Cross, what anyone would have thought the lowest moment of his life. But the reasons why they seized up on it are at the heart of what is most unique about the Apostles Creed’s witness to the watching world.

Sermon Points:

  • The Reality of his Death
  • The Significance of his Death
  • The Application of his Death

Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Philippians 2:1-11
Why does the class theological formulation that Jesus was “fully God, fully man” matter? We tend to do ok with Jesus divinity, but his humanity feels irreverent and perhaps even disrespectful. But properly understand, Jesus’ humanity connects our salvation with the reality of the world around us!

Sermon Points:

  • The Theology
  • The Implication
  • The Application

Jesus Christ His Only Son, Our Lord | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Matthew 17:1-13

No act of believing can be said to have integrity until the full weight of exactly who we have put our faith in has been reasonably grappled with. Matthew 17 tells the almost incredible story of Jesus’ unveiling himself to show us exactly what the Creed means when it says, “Jesus…our LORD.”

Sermon Points:

  • The Majesty of Jesus
    • The Countenance
    • The Cloud
    • The Company
  • The Ministry of Jesus

Maker of Heaven and Earth | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: John 1:1-3

Of all the ways in which Christian distinguish themselves from the pagan religions around us, the doctrine of creation stands near the top. What is a human being’s relationship to the world around them? How do we properly understand our place in God’s creation, as it’s Lord and Maker?

Sermon Points:

  • Creation and God
  • Creation and the World
  • Creation and Us