Adult Education

our mission is to provide men & women opportunities & resources so that they may be grounded in the Word of God, grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and be transformed into Kingdom disciples

get to know us.

Studying God's Word

At Christ Pres we consider "training" in the Word to be one of our top priorities. Below you can find what we offer for adults & some of our previous recordings.

Sunday school
Sunday school
Join us at 9:45am each Sunday for Adult Sunday school. Classes offered & locations can be found below.
Women's & Men's Ministry
Women's & Men's Ministry
We have a Women's Ministry Team & Men's Ministry Team that host programming all year. Use the page navigation above to learn more about each ministry.
Conferences & Forums
Conferences & Forums
Throughout the year we also host conferences & small forums. Topics range from God's Holiness to Parenting & Marriage, and much more! Info on these will be listed below.

spring adult Sunday school

meets every Sunday at 9:45am

John: Do You Want to Be Healed?
Is the Gospel of John the most important thing ever written down by a human being? Probably so. And at the readable length of about 60 pages of your typical paperback it is an accessible narrative that contains the most significant truths of the universe. Explore the mystery of a relationship with Jesus offered in the Gospel of John and confront the fundamental question that Jesus asked the paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda and continues to ask us today: Do you want to be healed? Meets in the sanctuary at 9:45am. Taught by Clay Dabbs.

upcoming events

Christ Pres Foundations

a four semester adult Sunday school course

The Foundations Curriculum is a class offered over four semesters at Christ Pres. The class introduces each attender to the most fundamental commitments of our church’s mission. Hope, Home and Healing are each given extended treatment as a way of uncovering the theological and pastoral underpinnings of our church’s life, the "Christ Pres Way."

Semester 1: Scripture, is a walk through the entirety of the Bible, highlighting the unifying structure and themes throughout. Semester 2: Theology, walks through our denominational standards document, the Westminster Confession of Faith, as a way of laying out the beliefs about God, Man and the World. Semester 3: Church & Family, focuses on the word "Home." The doctrine of the church unfolds from the very beginning of God’s plan of redemption. That is, as mankind experiences the effects of ongoing sin, that disease presents itself most clearly in our relationships. But the Gospel is here to restore us, NOT as isolated individuals on our way to heaven when we die (as true as that is), but as a body of people who are united together as God’s people. This class features not only a look at the doctrine of the church, but also consider the topic of marriage, parenting, and conflict management among church members.

Foundations 2
Click image above to access recordings from Foundations I: Scripture, recorded in the fall of 2021. Recordings are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the first page. If you are starting from the beginning, start with the last recording on the last page.
Click image above to access recordings from Foundations II: Theology, recorded in the spring of 2022. Recordings are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the first page. If you are starting from the beginning, start with the last recording on the last page.
Click image above to access recordings from Foundations III: Church & Family, recorded in the fall of 2022. Recordings are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the first page. If you are starting from the beginning, start with the last recording on the last page.
Click image above to access recordings from Foundations III: Church & Family, recorded in the spring of 2023. Recordings are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the first page. If you are starting from the beginning, start with the last recording on the last page.

to dive deeper into our resources check out audio from previous conferences, adult Sunday schools, city forums & more

Church & Family
Bible Conference Audio

Bible Conference

Theology of the Body

On November 1st & 2nd we hosted our annual Bible Conference. Robert Cunningham, founder & director of Christ for Kentucky and former Senior Pastor of Tates Creek Presbyterian Church, joined us to speak on the Theology of the Body.

You can find the audio recordings for each of the three sessions below.

Session 1 | Revelation: Explore the beautiful revelation of God's design for sexuality.

Session 2 | Redirection: Explore the sinful redirection of God's design for sexuality.

Session 3 | Resurrection: Explore the hopeful resurrection of God's design for sexuality.

Adult Ed Ministry Team

Adult Education Ministry Team

Lead Pastor, Adult Education: Les Newsom,
Sumner Abraham
Steve Redding
Roun MacNeill
Ev Barrett
Katie Anderson
Emily Atchley