The Lord’s Summer: A Covenant Celebration | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Luke 22:14-22

Covenant: How God Relates To Us
In the top five really important Bible topics and vocabulary words to be familiar with, “covenant” is near the top of the list. In addition to being the framework through which the whole Bible is structured, it also describes the nature of what it means to have to a relationship with God. This winter, we’ll look at the covenants through the lens of the everyday practices of Christians throughout the ages.
Meets in the sanctuary January 5th – 26th at 9:45am. Taught by Les Newsom.

Baptism: A Covenant Initiation | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Colossians 2:8-15

Covenant: How God Relates To Us
In the top five really important Bible topics and vocabulary words to be familiar with, “covenant” is near the top of the list. In addition to being the framework through which the whole Bible is structured, it also describes the nature of what it means to have to a relationship with God. This winter, we’ll look at the covenants through the lens of the everyday practices of Christians throughout the ages.
Meets in the sanctuary January 5th – 26th at 9:45am. Taught by Les Newsom.

Sacrament: Covenant Signed & Sealed | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Romans 4:1-11

Covenant: How God Relates To Us
In the top five really important Bible topics and vocabulary words to be familiar with, “covenant” is near the top of the list. In addition to being the framework through which the whole Bible is structured, it also describes the nature of what it means to have to a relationship with God. This winter, we’ll look at the covenants through the lens of the everyday practices of Christians throughout the ages.
Meets in the sanctuary January 5th – 26th at 9:45am. Taught by Les Newsom.

Covenant: Promises & Obligations | Les Newsom

Scripture Reference: Genesis 15 & 17

Covenant: How God Relates To Us
In the top five really important Bible topics and vocabulary words to be familiar with, “covenant” is near the top of the list. In addition to being the framework through which the whole Bible is structured, it also describes the nature of what it means to have to a relationship with God. This winter, we’ll look at the covenants through the lens of the everyday practices of Christians throughout the ages.
Meets in the sanctuary January 5th – 26th at 9:45am. Taught by Les Newsom.

Christology: Jesus – In You & Coming Again | Brian Sorgenfrei

The Apostle Paul writes “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. 3:8). Does that sound like religious hyperbole? It’s been said that “the center, the jewel in the crown of Christianity is not just an idea, a system or a thing; it is not even’the gospel’ as such. It is Jesus Christ.”

 Teaching: Brian Sorgenfrei