Christology: Jesus is the Word | Brian Sorgenfrei

The Apostle Paul writes “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. 3:8). Does that sound like religious hyperbole? It’s been said that “the center, the jewel in the crown of Christianity is not just an idea, a system or a thing; it is not even’the gospel’ as such. It is Jesus Christ.”

 Teaching: Brian Sorgenfrei

Foundations 2: Theology – Resurrection | Melvin Manickavasagam

“Theology,” Puritan William Perkins once wrote, “is the science of living blessedly forever.” Rather than arguments about minute details of doctrine, the primary task of theology is to ask, How may I obtain the smile of God on my person and life? Join us for Foundations II: A Survey of Theology as we Learn together what it means to live the blessed life.

Foundations 2: Theology – Sacraments | Melvin Manickavasagam

“Theology,” Puritan William Perkins once wrote, “is the science of living blessedly forever.” Rather than arguments about minute details of doctrine, the primary task of theology is to ask, How may I obtain the smile of God on my person and life? Join us for Foundations II: A Survey of Theology as we Learn together what it means to live the blessed life.

Foundations 2: Theology – Church | Melvin Manickavasagam

“Theology,” Puritan William Perkins once wrote, “is the science of living blessedly forever.” Rather than arguments about minute details of doctrine, the primary task of theology is to ask, How may I obtain the smile of God on my person and life? Join us for Foundations II: A Survey of Theology as we Learn together what it means to live the blessed life.

Foundations 2: Theology – Salvation | Melvin Manickavasagam

“Theology,” Puritan William Perkins once wrote, “is the science of living blessedly forever.” Rather than arguments about minute details of doctrine, the primary task of theology is to ask, How may I obtain the smile of God on my person and life? Join us for Foundations II: A Survey of Theology as we Learn together what it means to live the blessed life.