What To Expect
what it is like on Sunday mornings and what to expect when you walk in for the first time
get to know us.
Sunday Mornings at Christ Pres
Here are a few things that may make your first visit more enjoyable!
We're located just off Sisk Avenue on the east side of Oxford. You can find us at 901 Sisk Avenue.
Service Times
We have two worship services that begin at 8:30am & 10:45 am. Adult, children & youth Sunday school begins at 9:45 am.
We have plenty of parking around the building. We also have a covered drop off area on the north side of the building. You can enter via Sisk Avenue or using our Pin Oak entrance.
Come as you are! You will see people dressed in everything, from suits or dresses to jeans and t-shirts.
In our lobby, look for our Greeters who will be handing out bulletins right before the worship services. These people are there to answer any questions you might have and to help you locate the nursery, bathrooms, and our sanctuary.
If you have children three years of age and under, head to the nursery check-in station located straight down our main hall. Nursery is available during both services. We have Children's Church available for four & five year olds during both services as well. Directions on Children's Church drop off location will be in the bulletin.
Worship services last right at an hour. Everyone is welcome to bring their own Bible, but we also have scripture passages on our screens in the sanctuary and printed in your bulletin. Our worship services typically include music, prayers (silent & spoken), scripture readings, a sermon, and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper (on the first Sunday of each month).