Women's Ministry

to equip and encourage women to know Christ with our minds, love Christ with our hearts & serve Christ with our hands

winter & spring events

Below are a few holiday events just for women. Click on each image to access the registration and reserve your spot!

Step into the New Year with intention and grace! Ladies, you’re invited to an evening designed to inspire purposeful living in 2025. Together, we’ll explore what it means to align our lives with God’s calling, set meaningful goals, and embrace a spirit of intentionality in every season. Enjoy engaging talks, practical tools and the opportunity to connect with other women in fellowship. Whether you're seeking clarity, encouragement, or a fresh start, this event will equip you to step boldly into all God has planned for the year ahead! Dinner is provided! Click image above to register.
Hibernation Retreat
RETREAT IS FULL. Email Abby Davis at abby@cpcoxford.org to join the waitlist. Join the women of Christ Pres for our annual Hibernation Retreat! It is a weekend of great teaching, sweet fellowship, delicious food & much needed rest! January 24-26, 2025 at The Country Place in Moscow, TN.
Join us this spring starting on Wednesday, January 29th as we study 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John using Jen Wilkin's Abide study. Women's Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study at 9:30am and Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm. There will be large group lecture and small group discussion. Nursery is provided for the morning study and nursery through youth group is provided for the evening study. To register click the image above.

get connected.

Women's Ministry Events

Fall Bible Study

Joshua: Every Good Promise Kept

On Wednesdays this fall we are studying Joshua: Every Good Promise Kept. You can find audio recordings of each lesson below.

Womens Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. There is a large group lecture and small group discussion afterwards. Childcare is provided for both studies.

Highlighted Audio

Women to Women Groups

Friend 2 Friend
Join us for a year-long Bible study: Abundant: A Bible Study on the Fruit of the Spirit, where women of all ages and stages are welcome! Together, we'll dive into passages of God's Word, focusing on how the Holy Spirit cultivates the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.
Meets: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 12-1pm at Christ Pres in the conference room. Lunch is available for a small donation.
Led by: Tiffany Lewis & Kristin Martin
Questions: tiffanylewis18@gmail.com
Join: Friend 2 Friend Group

Book Club
Reading a book each month (varied genres) and gathering for lively discussion and fellowship!
Meets: 1st Monday of the month at 7pm at various homes
Led by: Amanda Tollison
Questions: ajtollison@gmail.com
Join: Book Club Group

(B&B) Believing & Belonging
Empty nesters (or never nesters, not yet empty nesters, really any women who feel led to join) gather for a light lunch, fellowship, and a sharing of prayer concerns.
Meets: 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 11:15pm for lunch at various homes
Led by: Debbie Jones & Anita Herrington
Questions: debbiemjones@me.com
Join: B&B Group

Keeping Company with Christ
This group hopes to be a means by which we can be intentional about our spiritual formation through learning the "unforced rhythms of grace", as Eugene Peterson's paraphrase of Matthew 11:28-30 says. We will keep company with Christ by practicing a new spiritual discipline each month, using Adele Calhoun's book, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. We will meet monthly to discuss and offer encouragement.
Meets: 1st Thursday of the month at 6:30pm at Oxford Counseling Collective (308 Enterprise Drive)
Led by: Denease Bishop & Anna Dabbs
Questions: dbishop568@gmail.com
Join: Keeping Company with Christ

ROOTED (In Scripture & Prayer)
A Bible reading accountability group where we'll read scripture throughout the month and gather for discussion and prayer. A wonderful place to grow in understanding God's word and growing with friends along the way!
Meets: 1st & 3rd Fridays of every month at 8:30am at Christ Pres (conference room)
Led by: Courtney Jones & Margaret Neely
Questions: courtneychurchjones@gmail.com

SOS!!! (Rescue...For Moms of Young Kids)
A place for moms of young kids to come fellowship, encouragement & prayer in the midst of challenging parenting years! No preparation required - just show up & be cared for! Nursery provided.
Meets: 1st & 3rd Fridays of every month at 9-11am at Christ Pres (jr. high room upstairs)
Led by: Kathy Wilcke & Anna Dabbs
Questions: anna@cpcoxford.org
Join: SOS!!!

Team Casserole
Love to cook? Don't know how to cook a thing? Join Team Casserole!! We'll gather quarterly to prepare casseroles for the church freezer that will be a blessing to both members and benevolence clients. We intend to serve others through providing a meal and will most definitely have fun in the process.
Meets: Tuesday Sept 24th 6-8 pm & Tuesday Nov 12 9-11 am (church kitchen)
Led by: Laurie Flora & Eileen Duddleston
Questions: laurieflora726@gmail.com
Join: Team Casserole

The New Nesters
This group is for anyone right before, at the beginning or a few years into the empty nest adjustment period. We will support each other through the transition by refocusing our identity in Christ.
Meets: 1st Tuesday of every month at 7pm at 607 S 8th St.
Led by: Pamela Grafton & Linda Coleman
Questions: graftonpamela@gmail.com
Join: The New Nesters

Anna’s Contact

Women's Ministry Team

Women's Ministry Coordinator: Anna Dabbs, Assistant Women's Ministry Coordinator: Abby Davis,